We would like to share the Q3 edition of Landmark’s Property Trends Report, which provides a complete summary of the 2021 property transaction pipeline from listings through SSTC, search and finally completion milestones, compared to 2019.
The data this quarter captures the end of the SDLT holiday and observes the market as it tries to find equilibrium.
Property search order-volumes were consistent across the quarter, with volumes marginally higher than 2019 figures: +3% in July, +4% in August and +2% in September.
Other insights include:
- Listings were down by an average of 9% compared to 2019 levels
- Completions in September rose 44% above September 2019 levels, driven by the need to beat the Stamp Duty holiday deadline.
This month’s edition of the Property Trends report will also include Landmark’s Demand/ Supply Variance (DSV) report, to provide deeper insights into how demand continues to outpace supply, where July was the only month where listings were marginally higher than SSTC – the first month since October 2020.
We hope you find our trend reports useful. Please CLICK HERE to access a copy of the Property Trends report.